FH Stralsund - Leisure and Tourism  Management
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Arlt: Tourism Geography and Ecology


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Participants are asked to form into 3 project groups of more or less equal size.

Each group is asked to analyze the development of the Spatial consumption patterns of outbound tourists from a. Germany, b. Japan, c. China.:

- To which countries do they travel, to which kind of destinations within the countries, to which kind of attractions within the destinations? (Global development and some examples in more detail)

- How have this consumption patterns evolved over time?

- What is the likely future of these patterns?


On the 12. and 19. of April the first unit can be used for group work.

On the 3. of May a Plenum is hold during the first unit to discuss first ways of tackling the project and first findings

In May the first unit can be used for group work with a discussion of each country group with Prof. Arlt (Germany, China, Japan)

On the 31.5. and 14. / 21. of June each country group gives a presentation during the first unit 31. Germany, 14. China, 21. Japan), followed by discussion chaired by the presenters

A written paper (at least 5 pages per person) is to be handed in before July 15.

 Group Germany: Georg Nagel, Gesine Landt, Andrea Kühn, Rainer Schelzel, Robert Port, Inga Knospe, Markus Dittmann, Oliver Hartmann, Nina Zantout, Tatjana Lehr,  Markus Galle, Alexandra Dietz, Andreas Schaarschmidt, Alexander Koch

Group China:  Ronny Hentschel, Andrea Graas, Steffi Jockschat, Sabina Lampartova, Martina Laube, Antje Hansch, Sandra Grammig, Marina Okun, Claudia Flick,  Jackie Pust, Christina Jenewsky, Sonja Göttel, Annett Neugebauer, Susann Lewerenz, Silke Ackermann, Nicol Wenke

Group Japan: Eva Krull, Nicole Mengel, Kathleen Jentsch, Christine Wentzel, Liane Pilch, Annegret Bischoff, Ulrike Seyer, Jana Ostrowski,  Svea Krüger, Petra Peuker, Stephanie Kühnel, Susanne Langer, Rannveig Aune, Anita Fredriksen, Anette Westermann, Ellinor Hungnes






 Contact: wolfgang.arlt@fh-stralsund.de, Office: Hs. 1 / Rm. 132,  Tel. (03831) 45 6961 (FHS), (0179) 705 24 51 (mobile)
 Consultation hour: Monday 14.00 - 15.30 h
