FH Stralsund - Leisure and Tourism  Management
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt:
Human Resources Management in Leisure and Tourism


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6 groups (sub-groups possible) focusing on core issues of HRM in L+T:

- Human Resource Planning

Contact person: Maykanush Margaryan hayka1986§hotmail.c§m

Members: Jessica Boguer Vaya, Sheila Cuenica Aliaya, Maykanush Margaryan, Carlos Moutarier Peiro


- Human Resource Selection

Contact person: Ulrike Seyer ulrikeseyer§fh-stralsund.§e

Members: Annett Neugebauer, Eva Krull, Ulrike Seyer, Andreas Scharschmidt, Marcus Dittmann, Sandra Kunz, Annegret Bischoff, Marie Thumm


- Human Resource Training (incl. on-the-job training) and Development

Contact person: Alice Burzlaff alice.burzlaff§fh-stralsund.§e

Members: Maik Roemer, Stephan Weidner, Alice Burzlaff, Anne Voß, Solveig Schmidt, Sven Hofmayr, Gudrun Krüger, Andrea Penke, Tatjana Lehr, Nina Zantout, Chavdar Stoyanov


- Human Resource Motivation

Contact person: ?

Members: Pia Vilcen, Sofia Dridi, Johannes Volkmar, Marie Zdechlikiewitz, Antje Hantsch, Angela Röhler, Svea Krüger, Andrea Kühn


- Topic n.b.d.

Contact person: Eva Armbrust evaarmbrust§gmx.n§t

Members: Annika Hoffmann, Ilka Heber, Eva Armbrust, Anika Döring, Cassie Havemann


- Integration of family, disabled persons and foreigner into the company

Contact person: Liane Pilch Liane-§gmx.§e (?)

Members: Jacqueline Pust, Nicole Mengel, Liane Pilch, Kathleen Jentsch, Christine Wentzel


Gather information about companies and focus topic presented before experts lecture

Ask questions with respect to focus topic during discussion time after experts lecture

Give presentation about practice in companies presented compared to textbook theory of HRM for focus topic (20-30 min. presentation, 15-20 min. structured discussion) (25% of mark)

Write paper about practice in companies presented compared to textbook theory of HRM for focus topic (min. 5 pages per person) (75% of mark)






 Contact: wolfgang.arlt@fh-stralsund.de, Office: Hs. 1 / Rm. 132,  Tel. (03831) 45 6961 (FHS), (0179) 705 24 51 (mobile)
