Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt
International Tourism Management


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ITM Master 2. Sem.
9692: Processes of Globalisation        




Globalisation in the making: 30000 BCE - 1914 CE


When did Globalisation start?

30,000 years ago when modern homo sapiens started to leave Africa?

Or only after 1989?



Logarithmic graph!





and arrives in Dithmarschen.


Total global population of Homo Sapiens Sapiens 10,000 years ago: 4 million persons





10,000 years ago: Stratification of social structures following the invention of agriculture

Leading to regional power structures







5,000 years ago: Wheel and Writing invented





2,000 years ago: Intercontinental trading

Transport of technology, religions, germs

Start of Empire building, the biggest being the Mongolian Empire




First empire:

Han Dynasties (about 200 BCE - 200 CE), comprising a quarter of global population.



Biggest empire:




1500 Opening up of Atlantic routes

Treaty of Tordesillas 1494


Capitalist World System started

"Creating the world in its own image"

Major sources: Braudel, Marx




1800 British Empire, Steam Engine


Major source: Wallerstein


1900 Communication Technology, Airplanes, end of "White spots" on the world map

Explosion of number of human beings




1914-1945 Industrialisation of mass killings


1950 End of weapons as main means of fighting over distribution of influence


"Green" revolution



Transport revolution



2000 Communication revolution


2011: 2.1 billion user of which
44% in Asia
23 % in Europe
13% in North America
10% in Latin America
10% in rest of world

More than half of all internet users have an account with either Facebook or Weibo






Five definitions of globalisation

Four we looked at before:


And a new one:



Hence, a VERY SHORT definition of globalisation:


Globalisation refers to the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space. (Stenger 2009)


Another attempt for a VERY SHORT definition:

Globalisation refers to the process in which more people become more connected in more different ways across larger distances. (Lechner 2009)





Is Globalisation an ongoing process or something new?

Please form three groups and discuss among yourself,

report results after 20 min.













McDonaldisation vs. IKEAisation








  Contact: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt FRGS
Bachelor and Master Program International Tourism Management, Office 2.018, Tel. 0481 8555-513
Consultation hours (during lecture period): Tuesday 12.00-13.00 h
