Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt
International Tourism Management


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ITM Master 2. Sem.
9695 Seminar


Wed 14:00-19:00 h, S17,
Exkursion 16./17.6.




6 SWS Course


90 h classroom work / 270 h self-study

ECTS points: 12





Intermediate Presentations (work-in-progress) 30 min. plus discussion (10% of final grade)

Final 60 min.  including discussion group presentations of the research results (30% of final grade)


Term paper: 

Written analysis (paper and electronical version), 10 pages p.P.

Deadline: 03.07.2017. (60% of final grade)





China - Russia Tourism Year


China - Central and Eastern Europe Tourism Year


China - South Korea Tourism Year


US - China Tourism Year

China - India Tourism Year

Silk Road Tourism Year


China - Australia Tourism Year

China - Denmark Tourism Year


EU - China Tourism Year

Canada - China Tourism Year

Turkey Tourism Year in China


China - New Zealand Tourism Year

























Basic work structure: Four Tourism Years, each for one member of group, comparison and general analysis together


Background: Current situation of tourism between two countries before YOT (partly based on other group results)

Descriptions of YOTs following uniform structures

Specific events analysis

Marketing strategies – how YOT is promoted

Compare YOT

Analysis of priorities in events according to categories

Inbound/Outbound tourist numbers Quantitative

Comparison of involvement of both sides/countries

If possible, investment in YOTs

Overall analysis – Pro & Con









Case Study Summer Semester 2017

Bilateral „Years of Tourism“ (YoT) as marketing instrument in international tourism

Using the example of the preparations for the EU-China Tourism Year 2018


Research tasks

a) Researching and presenting the development of the idea of YoT, comparison between selected YoTs, analysis of their effect on the bilateral tourism during and after the YoT within the framework of tourism marketing

b) ECTY 2018 researching, assessing and presenting development of ECTY2018 within the framework of EU policy on international tourism, development of recommendations


What is special about the EU-China Tourism Year 2018?

- Strong concentration on Chinese visitors to Europe - possible if China wants to attract more Europeans coming to China?

- First time not one country, but 28 countries:
How to deal with the wish of all countries to be included?
How to make sure that all countries are included but still Chinese are interested, even if main destinations are not prominently mentioned?
How can spatial and temporal dispersion be supported?

- How are decisions taken with 28 countries involved?

- How much is non-leisure tourism included in ECTY2018 activities?


Three groups:

1) Previous YoTs

2) Current YoTs 2017 (Australia, Turkey,…)

3) ECTY2018

Recommendations done together by all three groups



29.3.      Introduction EU-China tourism (WGA)

5.4.        no class

12.4.      Introduction YoTs

19.4.      Forming of groups, structuring and start of group work

26.4.      Qs, additional information WGA, Group reports  PACE2017

3.5.        Qs, Work programme until May 31 - Group reports

10.5.      no class

17.5.      no class

24.5.      no class

31.5.      WGA World Bridge Tourism meeting in Beijing report,
             Intermediate presentations of four groups

7.6.        Preparation excursion

14.6.      Preperation excursion

15./16.6. Excursion Brussels

21.6.      Preparation Final presentation

28.6.      Final presentation







  Contact: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt FRGS
Bachelor and Master Program International Tourism Management, Office Schanzenstrasse 8, Tel. 0481 8555-513
