Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt
International Tourism Management


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ITM  Master Thesis Colloquium 9703



Wed 30.3. 10.00-19.00 h


Additional: 18.4. 15.45-19.00 h S06


Wed 11.5. 10.00-17.15 h

Wed 29.6.. 10.00-19.00 h


Assignment: Presentation (30%), Master Thesis (70%)

Thesis 120 pages plus/minus 25% (= 90-150 pages) corpus

Citation rules FHW: German: here  English: here

Harvard Referencing: here 




Structure of the seminar:


a. Technical support: Topic, Searching for sources, citation problems, bibliography problems, How to treat your supervisor, crisis management, workscape, soundscape, etc.


b. "Wisdom of the Crowd" Group support: Presentation and discussion of topics, progress of work, crisis management


c. Presentation:

On May 11 "informal" presentation of Thesis project (based on Exposé, including working methods, problems etc.), 15-20 min. plus discussion - no mark

On June 29 "official" presentation of Thesis project (results of Thesis as of July 3), 30-35 min. plus discussion - 20% of mark



d. Face-to-Face discussion, emails, etc. with individual supervisor outside of Master colloquium


Each student which is writing under my supervision is supposed to write a short expose and to send it per mail to before registration including the following items:

- Planned topic
- Personal interest in topic
- Thesis writing in cooperation with a company/organisation?
- If so, how is the cooperation organized (internship, other)?
- Research question(s)
- Hypothesis/es
- Planned usage of methods
- Planned usage of sources
- Draft of content list
  (including number of pages per main chapter)
- Timetable

Expose should be two to three pages long

(Other supervisor of theses may demand differently structured paper)







Situation of participants:

  - Current situation with regard to other obligations
    (job, missing courses) 
  - Current situation with regard to thesis
  - Planned timetable




Detailed discussion following structure of expose for each participants project




Technical aspects






Some research fields for undecided students:

- Experiences of Chinese outbound travellers in different countries around the world

The Customer as Employee – Using HRM instruments in customer relations

- Critical review of existing statistical data sources for international tourism arrivals and departures

- Climate Change, Millennium Goals and long distance air travel - how to reconcile pro-poor tourism and transport emissions

- How can hotels earn money from couchsurfers?

- Real Estate investment by Non-EU citizens in the EU and tourism

- Chinese Tourism to Europe - Common pattern and differences in the experience of European NTOs and DMOs with the Chinese tourism source market

- Study Motivation and social background of ITM bachelor students at FHW

- Seasonality as an ontological problem







8318-session3.htm (Themenfindung)

8318-session4.htm (Quellen)




  Contact: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt FRGS
Bachelor and Master Program International Tourism Management, Office Schanzenstrasse 8, Tel. 0481 8555-513
