FH Stralsund - Leisure and Tourism Management - Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Arlt - SoSe 2004
Leisure and Tourism Psychology






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Leisure and Tourism Psychology


Course Organisation: March/April lectures, from May first half lecture, second half presentation.

  Topics: here
Project topics: here
Projects will be done with a presentation during the course and a assignment paper (min. 6 pages per group member). Presentations will count for 30% of the final note, the assignment paper will count for 70% of the final note.


Topics of Leisure and Tourism Psychology


 First problem: Leisure?  Leisure ¹ Freizeit








Franke/Hammerich (Tourismus Journal 5. Jg. (2001), Heft 3)

"The equalization between leisure (non-working-time) and self-fulfilment on the one side and between work and social control on the other side cannot be maintained any more. This equalization was, and still is crucial for the conceptualisation of sociology of leisure, at least in Germany. In view of the current social development, it is certainly not presumptuous to call in the end of sociology of leisure."






Leisure (Freizeit) defined as non-working time (negative definition), non-work non-leisure (sleeping, eating, household chores etc.) not clearly positioned. Freizeit = Freiheit?

Tendency to blur difference between structure time blocs work/non-work

Work - productive Leisure - unproductive. But: 15% of GDP Leisure/Tourism-based

"Leisure policies" important in 1960s/70s, no more today

Work/Leisure dichotomy result of industrialisation, in post-industrial structures to longer meaningful

"Freizeitgesellschaft" - Work stops to be the denominator of life

Leisure (Freizeit) not a part of daily life of non-working people (unemployed, children, pensioners) - majority of society

In Germany: 81 mio. inhabitants, 38 mio. "Erwerbstätige"

Leisure is not uncontrolled/unmanipulated/uncommercialized





 Leisure much less clearly defined than tourism
         (spatial criterion - "elsewhere")


 Contact: wolfgang.arlt@fh-stralsund.de  Office: 1/132, Tel. (03831) 45 6961


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