FH Stralsund - Leisure and Tourism  Management
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Arlt: Leisure and Tourism Psychology


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Leisure and Tourism Psychology

  Tu. 14.00-15.30 h



NEWS (last updated: June 04)

Im April diesen Jahres begab sich Herr Professor Dr. Landvogt mit fünf abenteuerlustige Studenten und zwei norwegische Gaststudentinnen auf eine erlebnisreiche Exkursion in den Norden Norwegens.
Wir besuchten Harstad - in dieser Stadt ist auch eine Partnerhochschule unserer Hochschule beheimatet - und die wunderschöne Inselkette der Lofoten.

Um euch einen Eindruck von der Exkursion, dem Erlebten und den geknüpften Kontakten zu geben findet an folgendem Datum die Präsentation zur Exkursion statt:

Dienstag, 22.6.2004 14.45 Uhr in der Vorlesung von Herrn Prof.Dr. Arlt






Leisure and Tourism Psychology



Prof. Wolfgang Arlt


For an industry which sells no tangible goods or necessary services but dreams, emotions, experiences and memories, it is important to understand the psychological processes determining the form and content of conscious and unconscious responses to the Leisure and Tourism System.

The students will be introduced to the history and cultural differences of forces influencing the “mental programming” of specific personality structures of individuals and groups and its effect on behaviour, motivation and experiencing in Leisure and Tourism activities and perceptions.

Zielsetzung der Lehrveranstaltung

Increased understanding of the Leisure and Tourism System with special regard to Leisure and Tourism Psychology.

Increased competence in locating and making critical use of online and offline sources of information and in presenting results in different written, situational and multimedia forms.

Increased competence in single person and group learning and analysing methods and in problem-solving orientated learning approach.

Increased interpersonal and intercultural competences in understanding, choosing and applying different scientific methods in the context of Leisure and Tourism Psychology.


Lecture, Discussion, Presentations, Projects, Role play



Recommended for semesters 1-4



Empfohlene Literatur

To be announced in class

Sprache der Ausbildung



March 30

April 20

May 4

May 11

May 18

May 25

June 8

June 15

June 22

Topics: here
Project: here

















 Contact: wolfgang.arlt@fh-stralsund.de, Office: Hs. 1 / Rm. 132,  Tel. (03831) 45 6961 (FHS), (0179) 705 24 51 (mobile)
 Consultation hour: Tuesday 11.15 h - 12.45 h, Bachelor/Diploma Colloquium Tu. 17.30 - 19.00 h
